
Whether you live near one of our clinics, or far away,
Schroth intensives are a great option


What is a treatment intensive?

We are proud to offer scoliosis specific physical therapy treatment intensives as an option for our patients. An intensive program is one where the patient will come and work with one of our scoliosis specialists for several hours in one day or over a couple of days to have the initial evaluation and establish an independent home exercise program. With an intensive, the scoliosis treatment is the same and the goals are the same, but the time frame is expedited. With an intensive, instead of the visits occurring once or twice a week for several weeks (as in more traditional physical therapy), multiple visits occur on the same day or over a two-day period.


Who is a candidate for an intensive?

Many of our patients who live out-of-state or outside the metro areas we serve choose to utilize this option. It allows them to travel in for the appointments, stay overnight, and then return home with a home exercise program. Intensives can also be a great option for families living locally when the patient is still in school and the family wants to limit the amount of time the student is out of school for treatment. We can arrange an intensive schedule that minimizes the frequency of missing class while maximizing the patient’s ability to learn their home exercise program.


Scheduling an Intensive

With our Schroth intensives, the maximum number of hours per day is 4 (and that’s a lot!). Most patients prefer 3 hours/day for 2 days initially. Please note some patients may need more time than this to become independent with a home exercise program.  For some families it can be helpful to schedule the intensives for the middle of the day taking a break for lunch to give patients a mental and physical rest break, especially if the patient is young. Other families coming from out of town might prefer to drive in on the first morning, complete 3 hours in the afternoon on day 1, come back to the office early on day 2 to complete 3 more hours, then drive home in the afternoon on the second day.  Please contact us to schedule your intensive so we can personalize it to meet your specific schedule and needs.


Is a Schroth Intensive Right for You?

Contact us to find out if a Schroth intensive is the right option for your path to healing. We can assist you every step of the way. Contact us to schedule your intensive.